"polls" in the notables, pls set up a new chan anybody
What CM did delete the UBERKIKE THEORY from the boards some months ago?
Tic Toc
Damned are those who comfortbly forget what America did to Germany.
you'll will burn in your consumer hell
USA killed their parents twice,
so USA is damned and won't last before God.
Have moar fun w/ your leading kikes, ansd Satan, plastic people
lel you helped Lucifer all the way and against your heritage?
Hoping Trump will have collected all your data and burns you like you burned Germany, the nation of your forfathers, amiboys.
All your engines belong Satan.
Visit your local HOLOCAUST MUSEUM and never fail to stare at your TV set, tranny US boiis
And there's no Palestine either! Never was!
Hold on paying your whitest Kangz to wipe you out