And says the Spirit of the Lord this day what happens in 2021 the historic events will set the groundwork and define events in America for years to come for it shall be a year that begins with dueling leadership and an intense fight however you shall see a birth from that which will affect the laws of this land and bring them back to its roots and foundations that they shall not destroy but now shall be their downfall as the constitution is brought to the forefront and the laws carried out so do not be in doubt My children. Do not listen to the derision or the sneers, or the jesters attempting to speak lies in your ear for they shall be just that in the news jesters, jokesters, their faces shall turn pale and all their secret mail is opened and read as the media shall quiver and shake at what I the Lord your God shall take from the whole lot and pillars of salt they shall become as they long for a Sodom that is being judged. Few will wake up and get out in time for the crimes will be great, they have sealed their fate, and will lose this race of influence they so chose to run, their fun and games shall now turn to pity and shame as the public turns on them with a hostility that destroys their delicacies they have been feasting on at the expense of the people and now I the Lord your God shall destroy their idols, foolish demons with fools who follow, they are being cast out into darkness where they belong.
There shall be a Holy song that is sung by the people across this land as the Glory of God breaks forth like the dawn, first seen a little and then the light breaks forth over the horizon. There shall be an intense pocket of this battle and as you see this My children speak forth in faith and you shall see that mountain move and goliath fall for David shall not be swayed to shy away from a blasphemous giant who has overstayed and overstepped into territory that is not theirs to claim, all the components of this goliath shall fall you shall even hear the name My children. So do not look at the giant or pharaoh's army in despair for I the Lord your God am here and will for the sake of My children intervene so America can continue to be brought back to what I the Lord have called it to be. Hold steadfast in your faith as you watch Me shake this wicked army into the ground for their plans shall return to dust and not continue to keep the mortal wound open the enemy has inflicted upon America and I the Lord shall begin to close it as I deal with the source of the bleed it shall be revealed and lead to activist groups and members of darkness who sold their souls for a fallible piece of this world.
Get ready be encouraged and lookup for your redemption and salvation draweth ni as I the Lord your God lead you in this fight. Thus sayeth the Lord of Hosts in the everlasting name of Yeshua, Jesus Christ who sits at My right hand Amen and Amen.
Amanda Grace
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day I am going into the back office and bringing it to the forefront and oh the files that will be found. I the Lord am warning Mitch to stop shaking hands and making agreements with the Rich for this is an hour where those in office shall be made transparent and revealed to the people what has been hidden away in their tents and all will make sense a pence for your thoughts says the Lord of Hosts.
January shall begin with a bang says the Lord and an execution of a plan that will truly put a blockade in the way of the plans of the wicked moving forth. Watch for more terrorist attacks from within says the Lord as you see a string of events occur meant to destroy evidence and attempt to scare and stop those who truly have found the golden ticket says the Lord of Hosts this day
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day I am exposing the leaders who are weak in heart and weak in Conviction, who are folding at the slightest delay, who are scrambling to clamor for a very confused and misused puppet in order to save their hides instead of being the pillars of faith and truth in an hour where it is much needed. And by their careless and reckless actions, they are weakening the resolve of those who follow them and making them second guess what I the Lord your God am doing. I the Lord God the Righteous Judge, Elohim, say this day there shall be a wave of disgrace and a discrediting of these leaders as they were concerned more for losing what they have built than for standing truly for the Truth and Will of God. In this hour those who have done such and focused on bringing Glory to My name and the truth from My throne shall be upheld and put in higher positions in order to do the work of their God in the midst of those truly who are walking around and making decisions spiritually blind. However I the Lord your God am bringing forth a powerful move of My Spirit and those placed in Position shall be the vessels for such that will evoke such change for the Kingdom of God and For America, the once beautiful country who has become stained with the crimes, and the blood and the blasphemous acts of the wicked. Amanda Grace
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day you shall see Purim a Purim like scenarios begin this month and carry into early 2021 as there will be an escalation that shall bring forth and shall open the gates for a legal flood to begin to purge the courts of this land for they are filthy with unholiness, bribes, many of these supposed judges have emancipated themselves from the laws of the land, from the constitution, and most importantly the laws of Almighty God, And says the Lord of Hosts since there has been an emancipation and they have gone rogue I the Lord your God shall cause them to fall and carrying into 2021 you shall see MANY judges fall and their cases shall be opened and their hidden briefcases with the blood-money of bribes, verdicts for hire, and illegal contracts shall be exposed as shame shall cover these courts and they shall lose the trust of the people. However says the Lord of Hosts there are those Judges I have positioned to carry out Justice, to do My will, to have the boldness and the courage of their conviction to stand firm in the face of threats and intimidation, and I the Lord thy God shall drop the gavel for My verdicts My rulings have already come forth in the realm of the Spirit and are being opened up, the sealed scrolls I the Lord sent forth through My holy Angels, these scrolls are being unsealed and the judgments of men, leaders, facilitators, placators, and those serving the interests of the Kingdom of darkness shall be carried out. I shall uphold the Judges in this hour whose hearts have been searched and found worthy, you shall know them for I the Lord your God am highlighting them in this hour and writing My word on their hearts and filling their spirits with the wisdom that goes forth from MY throne says the Lord of Hosts. Amanda Grace