If McConnell and/or his family were on fire, we could stay warm for a while!!! What a great that would be for those who cant afford heat right now!
I agree with you. We should give our taxpayer money to Foreign Countries but NOT Americans. We dont deserve OUR money as much as other Nations do. And to own the libs, we should give even MOAR of OUR money to Foreign Countries! Yeah! You're SMART! Mitch is an amazing Patriot! Mitch 2024 motherfuckers! Yeah!
>>12227783 You're a fucken dumb as bricks shill. Your dumb is so dumb that even AOC would call you dumb, and she'd be right!
>>12227793 exactly. It all makes sense when we are not allowed to think about it!
Is that what Mitch told you? Is that the stipulation he quoted? To fuck with the 1 God damned time we're allowed to have a stand alone bill to help US using OUR own money?
F Mitch & F the Republican Party! F our government & fuck you too !
Let's bail out all the other nations but make sure to starve the American people as we argue about their own money. ITS OUR FUCKEN MONEY!!!! ALL OF IT! F Mitch. I hope that POS traitor drops dead
Fuck you with a red hot metal baseball bat.
As Americans are going homeless, you advocate to hold them hostage…due to moar politics…
You know what, fuck you TWICE with that hot piece of metal. Or even 3 times