Anonymous ID: c88613 Dec. 29, 2020, 3:28 p.m. No.12229115   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9133 >>9137 >>9153 >>9227 >>9324 >>9970


>Mitch McConnell introduces competing bill

text sauce..


$2,000 Stimulus Checks, Section 230 Repeal Included in Mitch McConnell's Surprise COVID Relief Bill


Majority Leader Mitch McConnell introduced a bill Tuesday evening which would offer increased $2,000 direct payments to individuals sought by Democrats and President Donald Trump, but adds legislation pertaining to social media companies and election fraud studies.


McConnell introduced the parallel pandemic relief bill on Tuesday, S.5085, which would include the $600 to $2,000 increase in checks to individual Americans, but tacks on a repeal of section 230 of the Communications Act of 1996 and funding for a commission to investigate voter fraud. Both of these additions to McConnell's surprise bill are demands which have been made by Trump for months. The Section 230 repeal would pull back protections for internet companies and allow such media companies as Twitter and Facebook to be sued if users feel wronged by messages on the platform.


McConnell has for months said he opposes added weekly unemployment benefits and only last week agreed with Democrats to add the $600 direct deposits for Americans struggling amid the pandemic.

This story is developing, check back with Newsweek shortly for additional information about McConnell's Tuesday stimulus measure.



Anonymous ID: c88613 Dec. 29, 2020, 3:55 p.m. No.12229459   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9970

General Flynn @GenFlynn

Terrific thread by @KanekoaTheGreat


Kanekoa @KanekoaTheGreat

The Evidence Collection

There is overwhelming evidence of election fraud. Therefore it is the duty of the Executive, Legislative, & Judicial branches to throw out the fraudulent votes & to honor their oath to protect & defend the Constitution of the USA.Flag of United StatesEagle

A list below.

