Anon Opines, GHB is the real ADRENOCHROME
Not that adrenochrome isn't true. I believe it is. But the way you see it portrayed often as a drug that encourages overindulgence, lack of inhibition… ghb doesn't just make you pass out. It can if you have no tolerance to it.
WIth tolerance, its effects are much like alcohol. It makes you feel warm, elated, hyper sexual, completely out of control of your actions. Often forgetting things. Although, you don't have a hangover in the morning. It is the ultimate hedonist's drug. Worshiping Lucifer, "knowledge," this would seem the perfect drug. "Do whatever you want, no repercussions!" No bad trips.
You can overdose easily though, and they don't test for GHB in autopsies, even in suspicious circumstances. You can become severely addicted in the way we saw celebrities become weathered quickly when they claimed there was an "adrenochrome shortage…"
I believe adrenochrome is real, however when studying GHB, it is hard to deny that it is the ULTIMATE HEDONIST DRUG.
Anons, I come to you with even more than I can say. Many will respond talking of other drugs, but I implore you, consider this.
God bless.