Anonymous ID: abc920 Dec. 29, 2020, 6:11 p.m. No.12230991   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>12229894 Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms Follows Other Disastrous Dem Mayors Down an Ugly, Dangerous Road


We who live In GA are under the rule of the southern mafia and the black mafia. It’s never been any different and it’s never about helping black people or people in general, it’s all about the scam.


Perfect quote from the councilman of Atlanta about Mayor Lance Bottoms. We should use this with congressman and senators in DC.


Councilman Howard Shook was sharply critical in a statement on December 22nd.

“To the administration, I don’t want to hear the word ‘uptick. Stop minimizing our concerns by telling us that ‘crime is up everywhere.’ Spare us from the lie that the steady outflow of our officers isn’t as bad as it is. And please, not another throw-away press conference utterly devoid of game-changing action steps. It will take a lot to turn this around:


But here, in descending order, are the three things we need to begin: 1). Leadership; 2). Some leadership; 3). Any leadership

Anonymous ID: abc920 Dec. 29, 2020, 6:20 p.m. No.12231104   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>12230080 Statement by Acting Attorney General Jeffrey A. Rosen on the Pakistani Proceedings Relating to the Abduction and Murder of Daniel Pearl


I don’t get this, why is Rosen bringing up an old case abc Barr announces the day he leaves of the airplane bombing, ==is there some connection or are the avoiding the obvious elephant in the room? Or is this misdirection to make it look like DOJ is not doing anything on the election?


People are totally pissed off about the election,so really, what do these two cases have to do with what’s going on now. It makes no sense except to autists

Anonymous ID: abc920 Dec. 29, 2020, 6:28 p.m. No.12231194   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>12230423 Cocaine Mitch strikes again!


I’ve been thinking for the last week, why all the chaos with Republicans, some vote done don’t vote. Some say things in public they should never say. Some just totally undercover, we haven’t heard anything for Nunes, Jim Jordan, Collins etc. Was this controlled chaos, make it look like the reps went crazy, just opposing or agreeing with anything the Dems did. Reps are acting erratic and crazy considering that they only got to their true power by backing POtUS. Why would they turn on him so easily? Up is down and Vice verse. We may never know.


Nope there’s something up and if it’s true, it would be cool. One can hope