Would Patriot Men Really Call Themselves "Proud BOYS"?
I've always doubted that a group of real Patriot men would call themselves "Proud Boys". or even use the word "proud" because strong and good men usually have confidence and don't need to shout that they're "proud".
*"Proud Boys" sounds like a Liberal's idea of making up a name for a conservative group of Patriots.
*Real men wouldn't call themselves "Boys". That's probably a Libtard rebuttal to being called Soy Boys.
Soy Boys….Proud Boys
*Other anons have noted that the leader Gavin is a homosexual, and that "proud", "pride" is associated with the LGBT community.
The Name "Proud Boys" is a dead give-away that it's a Leftist controlled opposition contrived to be the "mirror antagonist" to the Antifa Soy Boys.
Lonely Antifa - The Antifa Soy Boys loot, burn and destroy because there's nothing else for them to do. Otherwise they're just walking down empty streets.
The cops are not engaging, no citizens are out to see or oppose them. Only the corrupt MSM "News" is out there to give Antifa some attention to create a Fake Narrative of "revolt".
So what's a Communist Cabal to do?
Create the "Proud Boys" to "fight" Antifa to make it look like Antifa is opposed, to create the false impression that "people" are clashing with Antifa "as if" Antifa is relevant.
Antifa are Paid Mercenaries, they are bused to "riot locations" by a shiny new fleet of big Tour Buses
*Nobody "riots" for 150 days for free.
*Real protesters don't have pallets of bricks delivered to preset "riot" locations.
*Real protesters don't have a legal Bail Fund set up to bail them out if they're arrested. (a Jewish Fund in NYC, past digg/Notable)
"Proud Boys" is created by the same enemy who created the Antifa "Soy Boys"
Think about it, how many of the Patriot men who attend Trump rallies are in "Proud Boys"?