Anonymous ID: 8fb6ba April 28, 2018, 9:50 a.m. No.1223220   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A bit of compare/contrast

Except there was a key piece missing until just a few days ago. Tom Ricks played a pivotal role in Flynn’s rapid rise in Washington. However, he now wonders if he “helped create a monster,” to use Ricks’ own words. In a shocking column he published last week, Ricks admitted he got CNAS to run Flynn’s study in January 2010. Flynn’s harsh critique was important and needed an airing, Ricks explained: “He seemed to be a breath of fresh air, exactly what the military establishment needed.” However, there’s a big problem with that narrative, as Ricks now concedes:


I have reason to suspect Flynn may have had little role in actually writing the paper. On the other hand, he read it, saw that it was good, and agreed to lend his name—and rank—to it. His endorsement gave the paper a major boost. Otherwise it likely would have gone nowhere, and Flynn might now be a name unknown.


It’s not unusual for a top official to lend his name to a wonky study that otherwise might not get read by anyone. However, Flynn listed himself as the study’s lead author—which he was not. This was strongly suspected at the time in intelligence circles, something that Ricks seems to have missed—with fateful consequences.


Mike Flynn was never the savvy intelligence intellectual he pretended to be, which explains why his directorship at DIA was such a disaster. While a competent tactical intelligence guy, Flynn had no idea how the big game was played inside the Beltway, so he dropped the ball when he was let on the field. This also explains how Flynn seemed to have no idea that his calls to the Russian embassy might be intercepted by the FBI, an astonishing ignorance for a career intelligence officer. Then again, there’s a lot that Mike Flynn ought to have known but somehow didn’t.

The most influential national security job in the still-forming Trump administration will likely go to a retired three-star general who helped dismantle insurgent networks in Afghanistan and Iraq but then surprised — and sometimes dismayed — colleagues by joining the political insurgency led by Donald Trump.


As a decorated military intelligence officer and former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Flynn has deep experience to draw upon as he serves as Trump’s principal point of contact with the State Department, the Pentagon and a collection of U.S. intelligence agencies that have surged in power and influence since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.


Both articles link with McChrystal.


a bit miffed, Obama quite possibly…


McChrystal also happened to be interviewed by

Michael Hastings contacted WikiLeaks lawyer Jennifer Robinson just a few hours before he died, saying that the FBI was investigating him.


  • WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) June 19, 2013


That day, Eimiller also sent out an email to FBI special agents across the country under the subject line "Urgent Media Issue" and linked to a New York magazine report about the growing conspiracy theories surrounding Hastings' death. She said the reports had attracted the interest of then-FBI Director Robert Mueller and the Department of Justice, and that FBI headquarters "would like to debunk growing conspiracy theory if possible (assuming that's what it is)."


"Has anyone's division been contacted in relation to an FBI investigation that may have led to foul play in the car crash death Tuesday of reporter, Michael Hastings," Eimiller wrote. "There are many reports on the Internet that Hastings was being investigated by the FBI. He died in a car accident in LA on Tuesday. Before his death, according to a tweet, he told others he worried he was the subject of an investigation. None of this is confirmed and the LAPD is reporting no foul play in car crash based on evidence. This is getting the attention of DOJ and the Director's Office."

Anonymous ID: 8fb6ba April 28, 2018, 9:56 a.m. No.1223251   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Coordination between media and F_I spokesman after Hastings death


The media inquiries about Hastings continued, despite the FBI's statement denying the rumors. On June 24, Eimiller sent an email to FBI headquarters:


Took a few calls over weekend using the Hastings statement. AP still asking today about it. Reporter says, "We just want to learn more about why Hastings thought FBI was talking to his close friends and associates - obviously rumor mill continues, anything to debunk rumors would be most appreciated .." I told reporter, "I'm not able to help you with credibility of rumors. The FBI has confirmed that Michael Hastings was not under investigation. Not sure I can help you further. Let me know if there is anything I can do, or stop doing, in Los Angeles. Thanks.


"Nope. I think that's perfect Laura," Bresson responded. "Just keep referring to the statement. Appreciate the job you've done on this."

Anonymous ID: 8fb6ba April 28, 2018, 10:06 a.m. No.1223309   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So, why did F_I send this…


Or what did he learn when interviewing Bergdahl's parents?

Anonymous ID: 8fb6ba April 28, 2018, 10:19 a.m. No.1223397   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So the E-Team picture of WTC relates to stuff like this:


"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."

-US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.


According to Vincent Cannistraro (a former CIA chief of operations for counterterrorism), there was speculation inside the FBI that Urban Moving Systems was more then likely a front for an intelligence operation investigating various fund-raising networks that were channeling money to Hamas and Islamic Jihad. On March 15, 2002, Mr Cannistraro claimed that the FBI had concluded that the van's driver (Paul Kurzberg), and his brother (Sivan Kurzberg), were indeed Mossad operatives, who were in America "spying on local Arabs".


goes on about art student and DEA.



Telephone numbers obtained from an Israel Art Student encountered at the Orlando D.O. have been linked to several ongoing DEA MDMA (Ecstasy) investigations in Florida, California, Texas, and New York.


That's interesting. All states that have had shooting/terrorism related events recently. Exception Las Vegas.

Anonymous ID: 8fb6ba April 28, 2018, 10:36 a.m. No.1223521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3535 >>3601

another meaning to "follow the wives"


The one thing they sort of miss on is his wife, Sabina Menschel, who is not just some consultant, but the current head of the D.C. office of Nardello & Co. That's the top private-eye firm in the Beltway.


So the man the FBI has keeping all its secrets is married to the top private snoop in Washington.


It would be revealing, no doubt, to see what Democratic-affiliated law firms and media shops in D.C. use Nardello. Let's hope congressional investigators are looking into this. Ms. Menshel, by the way, is the daughter and niece of Goldman Sachs zillionaire brothers Richard and Robert Menshel, big-time Democrat donors.


A long time ago, a friend of mine who once worked in the intel community in D.C. told me all the agencies were just absolute cesspools of nepotism, and pretty much everybody advanced by playing leap-frog along with a spouse through the system. Use your connections to get your wife a better slot somewhere in the alphabet soup, then she does the same for you. A few detours on the way to congressional staffs, or well connected private law and media firms, can be part of the track as well.


That's how we got everyone from Bruce and Nellie Ohr to Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson. No surprise at all that Hillary Clinton's attorney is the super-connected Beth Wilkinson, married to NBC's David Gregory and an alumna of the Web Hubbell DOJ and the Jamie Gorelick Fannie Mae – you know, the same people in James Comey's FBI. Peter Strzok may have a variation on the game, using his mistress Lisa Page as his ladder-climbing pal in the DOJ.

Anonymous ID: 8fb6ba April 28, 2018, 11:09 a.m. No.1223801   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Bruce and Nellie Ohr

Menschel and Priestap


Robert Bauer Anita Dunn

Rosenstein Barsoomian