it is such a nice building….it would be a shame if, ….
those are some big-ass lawns ; maybe we fumigate the vermin, but keep the existing structures and repurpose as condos (in a Trump-esque manner) ; bocci and horseshoes ?
it will go past that ; if Biden gets in on 1/20 it will be labelled the "scare" event, and then the datefaggin' continues …
i have since evolved, in this very bread, to fumigation of vermin then repurposing the buildings as condos…why waste a good foundation? Trump style, of course
i thought nasim was David Hogg, so i just stay out of the conversation….
that one talking suit that looks like a living Pepe just said the EFTs are going out now and are to hit tomorrow in some places
hey DOJ….is not a voting machine connecting to the internet illegal?
oh yea…never ye mind….those AGs are mostly bought by Soros and placed into power with corrupt machines (like PA)