nothing at all for sauce, but can't shake the feeling that Warmbier was a good actor, caught by the clowns deep in their base… could be trickery, but damn, the amount of torture… phew
help out bakers by having minimal info about what the notable is about…
you can also
-embed the video (see Show post options & limits, copypaste to Embed)
-at least copypasta the name of video so anons (not just bakers) have a clue what your link is about without having to go see)
Best is you post the link/post number of the one you want notabled, and add the text to it, and then baker can copypaste as is and/or adjust as needed
>>1224105 What isnt the Red Cross smuggling is a better question.
>>1224152 Evidence of Red Cross smuggling will red pill MILLIONS of normies who donate money and blood to them after every disaster.
>>1224168 Meme the fucking shit out of it
what would be good 'smuggling' themes/sources?
had tried some weak vampire memes, but not seeing where to turn for smuggling…
movie Taken?
or thinking something HanSolo, king of the smugglers… REDCROSS: hold my beer