For everyone new these kinds of requests get ignored. all of Q's recent posts carry a similar message. Lurk moar.
Six months ago you weren't here but if you had been the mood was a little different, we were all doing the same thing you guys are, waiting for proof. Then we got more than we needed, learned comms, decided on roles for ourselves and moved the fuck along.
if you don't have enough proof then its because you haven't gone through earlier material. You read a synopsis and some fun facts and then demanded someone call down an act of war to appease your lack of ambition.
You asshats are the same asshats who got us relegated back to 20/80 because you couldn't handle yourselves (or maybe you dont even have that long under your belt). Anyway, I digress, the point is you should lurk moar and I think q agrees, but what the fuck do i know?