Anonymous ID: b42b12 April 28, 2018, 12:28 p.m. No.1224438   🗄️.is 🔗kun

General Flynn, DIA, Military Intelligence

Was just doing some digging on General Flynn and found this article. Excuse my ignorance Anons, I'm new to our last eight years political scene. I got so disgusted with hussein that I couldn't engage anymore. So excuse this post if it's already been shared and noted.


This article is talking about Flynn's time at the Pentegon as the DIA head. He apparantly wanted to update the department while eliminating some of it's operations but got push back from the old gaurd at the DIA. Wow!!!! So they did NOT want a strengthened MI unit. More of hussein's undermining of our great country. What a TRAITOR!!! (Yes, I refuse to capitalize his name, he is not worthy to be even recognized as a human being in my book).


Now just what, in it's entirety, does that term old gaurd mean and the fact that it was used in this LA Times article was tickling to my senses!


Can someone please ARCHIVE this for me? I will save it as well, but I'm not too good at this! :{



So I copy/pasta it for you here:


Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn abruptly announced his retirement Wednesday as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, after what current and former officials said were clashes with his boss and other opponents inside the Pentagon spy service.


Flynn's deputy, David R. Shedd, is also retiring, according to a statement from the agency.


The agency collects and analyzes foreign intelligence to support the U.S. military. The better known CIA is a civilian agency that reports to the president.


Flynn, who took over the agency in July 2012, clashed repeatedly with his superior, the Pentagon’s undersecretary for intelligence, Michael Vickers, a senior Defense official said.


"He was trying to take DIA in a direction the rest of the department didn't want to go," the official said.


A former agency official and Flynn supporter said Flynn was undermined by an "old guard" at the agency who resisted changes he wanted to make. He sought to cut what he viewed as outdated intelligence programs in favor of allocating resources to newer threats, including cyber.


"Gen. Flynn wanted to take advantage of the budget pressures and the demand for a more adaptive agency to bring change and find efficiencies," the former official said. "DIA is a bloated bureaucracy with overstaffed analytical elements still focusing on requirements that have been overtaken by applications in technology."


[Updated, 4:11 p.m. PDT April 30: Asked to respond, DIA said in a statement:


"During their tenure, LTG Flynn and Mr. Shedd led an agency transformation that has brought much needed integration to the agency's intelligence operations, efficiency to business processes and has shaped and developed the workforce – applying lessons learned during more than a decade of war.


"That transformation has enabled the agency to nimbly respond to recent crises without having to create special task forces or move people."]


No immediate successor was announced. One potential candidate mentioned in the Pentagon is Lt. Gen. Mary A. Legere, the Army's deputy chief of staff for intelligence.


Flynn served as a top intelligence advisor to Gen. Stanley McChrystal in Iraq and Afghanistan.


In 2010, he wrote a scathing report titled "Fixing Intel" arguing that military intelligence was largely irrelevant to the counterinsurgency campaign in Afghanistan.


Twitter: @kendilanianLAT

Anonymous ID: b42b12 April 28, 2018, 12:46 p.m. No.1224586   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This also reminds me of the movie the "Omen". very spoopy! Except, instead of being in the UK, it's in the US. Did that also happen already here?