Anonymous ID: b825da April 28, 2018, 12:47 p.m. No.1224607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4625 >>4675 >>4689

So I've been following Q since the beginning, sitting here, getting lazy and letting my beard grow because I'm afraid to get up and shave it, fearing I might miss a crumb or a clue from Q. Only problem is, my beard has turned all white, making me look much older than I really am. I really haven't considered or cared much about this fact, until today…


Got outta bed and got my coffee, checked for Q updates , then realized I was starving. I haven't gone to a store in forever. Provisions were running low because I was afraid I'd get up and miss a Q post. There was nothing left in the house to eat.


I got a quick shower, checked again for Q posts, then hit the local store. I rushed down the isles quickly, fearing I'd miss a Q post. When satisfied I had everything I needed, I headed to the check out, laid my keys on the register and tossed my items on the conveyor belt.


My cashier was a young, pimply face normie and didn't look old enough to have graduated high school, let alone know anything about Q or the Cabal. He was be moving the customers through quickly enough to impress me tho.


My Total came to $61.25… I only had $20's on me. I handed him 4 20's. He pointed, giggling at the bills. I stared at him, missing the joke… "What's so funny?" I asked… He pointed to my bills and said.. 4 20's… Yeah, I get it, I said.

"Never-mind," He said, then asked if I had anything smaller.

"No, sorry, " I replied…

"Well no problem" he chirped, grinning , "I'll just ring you up for the senior discount then and it will only be $56.40." "WHAT?" Did I hear him correctly??? SENIOR DISCOUNT? WTF? Did he think I was some senile old person on the verge of Altimeters or something?


I stared at him in disbelief.

"Would you like me to get someone to help you out to your car, sir?" My blood began to boil… the nerve and audacity of this young punk! Little did he know I was once in the army and had to cross two live fire zones just to get to the chow hall and I never missed a meal.


It was all I could take… I'll show this kid a senior alrighty!!!…. I loaded up both hands with plastic bags until I had both hands full. Let HIM put the cart away! Senior discount indeed! I lifted my chin proudly and started heading for the door, Pretending the strain of the bags cutting into my fingers wasn't evident as my hands grew numb…


"SIR! SIR! YOU FORGOT YOUR CHANGE!" he squeaked gleefully as he pranced after me. "What?" I said, stalling for time to think… "It's okay he squealed, happens all the time," he said as dumped my change into one of the bags that were now cutting deep into the bones of my hand.. "Are you sure you don't need some help, sir?" HELP? Me? NEED HELP with a few bags? "NO! I am fine!" I snapped at the kid, lifting my nose in pride, I stormed towards the automatic doors and exited the store…


Outside on the curb…. I freeze in panic… "Where the hell did I park? I can't remember … Fear gripped my soul tightly as I thought to myself.. "My God, I'm going senile, this can't be happening!" Suddenly, the auto-doors behind me open and out skipped the grinning kid, dangling my keys over his head, like the sibling that was the first to get the prize from the cereal box… "You forgot your keys" he said, almost singing this time… A quick vision of the kid with his apron, tied around his neck, hanging from the sensor above the automatic door, quickly passed through my mind… "C'mon he said, I'll open the door for you, you have your hands full and those bags must be getting heavy, where's your car?" I stuttered… "I… It's…. I mean…" "Oh it's okay, I understand, " he sang cheerfully, as he pressed the alarm button on my keychain…" HONK HONK HONK from somewhere on the North 40 of Isle 5… Absolutely fuming, I stormed to the vehicle.. "WATCH OUT!!!" he screamed as I nearly stepped in front of a passing car… Screech the young lady stared at me… I could read her mind…"C'mon old man, get across the street already!"… "UGH! C'mon kid, let's get this over-with," I screamed as I made my way to the truck,


Finally getting to my truck, letting the kid unlock and open the door for me, I felt bad for plotting his demise and decided I'd offer him a tip.. "Hey, thanks I said, let me…" He cuts me off… "It's okay, just glad I could help, besides, all you have is 20's, remember? You told me yourself… I glanced suspiciously at the tire iron laying in the back of the truck and envisioned it embedded in this kids skull… Apparently, I zoned out for too long, as I turned around, he was almost halfway back to the store…


So here I am, catching up on notables and waiting for crumbs.