Tokyo Rose was a name given by Allied troops in the South Pacific during World War II to all female English-speaking radio broadcasters of Japanese propaganda. The programs were broadcast in the South Pacific and North America to demoralize Allied troops abroad and their families at home by emphasizing troops' wartime difficulties and military losses. Several female broadcasters operated under different aliases and in different cities throughout the Empire, including Tokyo, Manila, and Shanghai.
So basically WW2 the American troops in Japan heard broadcasts in english about how the Americans were losing the war, America was being occupied by Japan, how it was useless to fight and resist, and kept up the broadcasts despite the fact they were losing and even while Japan was surrendering.
The shills won't quit spreading doubt, concern, division, hate, etc until all knows they are defeated. It's easier for our troops who are doing the leg work and the operations and arrests that know the facts. If we didn't have Q pointing out the signs of these victories in the quiet war going on what would they be fighting for? A population of sleeping sheep