lb >>12239942
walmart cabal origins- Arkansas/Rockefeller and later Clinton
hijacked by cabal who used company as shell, rockefeller plan started with montgomery ward and mobil oil, to benefit from china labor, manufacturing (while sqeezing us biz) but they found that the biz was too dirty for them to monopolize quickly (rebate, coupon, kickback scams).
they then hijacked wmart and china connects, undercut and leveraged the supply chain to eliminate the tactics that kept other retailers profitable and able to compete (while they kept others out oif the game).
rockefeller did a similar thing with mobil (standard oil of NY) to dominate their entry into electronic retailing. they created sony (standard oil of NY) and pricing models which prevented many of the rebate games that allowed the old guard to keep newbies from making profit.
also remember the hack that started it all……
but that Potus prevented…
nk sony hack FF