Anonymous ID: 376cd8 Dec. 30, 2020, 3:45 p.m. No.12242782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2811 >>2830 >>2834 >>2869 >>2978


As the years have gone on and the Q movement has grown from a few dorks on the internet to a worldwide justice movement, this place has become something I believe to be the antithesis of what the Q team intended for it. In the past, there was no "movement." Many of us olderfags had come from previous experience in researching "conspiracies," such as the pizzagate fallout threads on /pol/. There was no set lingo, no shared culture, no list of rules like there is now. It was just a place where like-minded people who found their way here to research, share ideas and discuss theories.


Today, "/qresearch/" comes off as little more than the Church of Q. It's a place where intellectually lazy social media refugees (who found this place long after it had established and proved itself) can spam shit memes and yell down anyone they disagree with. Agree with the narrative or you are a non-believer and shall be shunned. It's honestly depressing, we always knew newfags would find their way here in numbers but the original vibe of this place has been gone for quite a while.


It's very much become a like a cult in here. "Q" has become a subculture complete with merch and commercial appeal, and it hasn't been good for the truth if the truth isn't kind to Trump or his associates.

Anonymous ID: 376cd8 Dec. 30, 2020, 3:59 p.m. No.12242953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2965


Most people can't be bothered to read though read through almost 5000 posts and the majority of Q "followers" are just parroting whatever their influencer of choice is telling them on twitter or parler. I've read the bulk of the 4953 posts (the early ones over and over) and the only conclusion I can come to is it's a military op directly connected to the President of the United States. Everything else is up for debate.

Anonymous ID: 376cd8 Dec. 30, 2020, 4:08 p.m. No.12243064   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>implying that the people of Austin have payed attention of any of Adler's bullshit "lockdowns"

Lmao this dude's a joke here. And the restaurant industry in Austin is just about ready to lynch him off the Congress bridge so the bats can shit on his rotting corpse.