Devils advocate checking in….
Before Q there would have been no way to get the majority of true patriots in the same place at the same time under any circumstances. In DC no less. Homes left unguarded. Away from your preps. Huge soft targets in every city. Free money a just few days in advance? When did you ever get cash from TPTB before? EVER?
Large gatherings in culturally significant places are dangerous in themselves as of late, and not due to the kungflu. At this time in history, and in the election cycle, it seems especially risky to be anywhere but dug in like an Alabama tick.
I have a bad feeling. I just watched "Midway" it really got me thinking. Plan for the best, prepare for the worst. Expect traps. I think being spread out is a great benefit right now.
Coward or Cautious?
"Let us never mistake honest dissent for shilling" - Anon