Let's play a game.
Let's use LOGICAL thinking.
Not mainstream media vs. Q narrative thinking. LOGICAL.
You pride yourself for not believing the MSM, because you know their narrative is false. Yet, you also continuously attack anons on here who are free-thinkers when their thoughts contradict anything you believe is against Q's posts or the Q narrative. By being stuck on the Q narrative, you are also trapped in the NARRATIVE. THAT IS NOT FREE-THINKING. FREE-THINKING IS WHEN YOU THINK FOR YOURSELF.
So here's the game. Answer as many questions as you can. I have been here since the beginning in Oct 2017 and I cannot come to any conclusions about the following questions. These are the questions that keep me up at night.
Why are we still getting 5G?
Trump is pro 5G. Trump went after Huwawei (whoever the f you spell it) for "national security" reasons because of possible China spying. This created the narrative here (well Trump's 5G is safe and not the bad 5G we were going to get)… sure. I don't buy it. Who's the biggest maker of 5G phones? Apple. The iPhone. Where are those made? China. And I'm sure they're going to be perfectly safe with the chips they put in everybody's phones, right? Plus, 5G has been dug and dug on here, and the electromagnetic waves are not exactly "safe". Especially 60ghz…
Why didn't he stop the vaccine?
It's not exactly a secret anymore that Bill Gates is a mad scientist and he wants to vaccinate the world. He's openly said it in countless interviews. "This pandemic can't end and normalcy can't return until we've vaccinated the global population". Now add all the adverse reactions people are having to the vaccines that have been released, which is going to turn out to be more people than were actually affected by this stupid virus, and yet Trump is still out there "Vaccine vaccine vaccine! Record time! States are handing it out! Get one!". What gives? (Oh he needs to bring us to the precipice…) Right right. Nothing like letting Bill Gates complete his agenda to show the people how bad the vaccine was. Sorry it killed someone in your family… I had to show you how bad it was.
Read and digest.
From the article: "On Tuesday, President Trump signed an executive order (EO) directing federal agencies to scale back regulation of genetically engineered organisms, popularly known as GMOs. The EO directs agencies to exempt many GMOs from regulation, and as a result, an increasing number of GMO crops and animals will not be subject to scientific review by any federal agencies."
Boy, that sounds nice. Doesn't it? Yes, Trump signed an EO making GMOs easier to produce and harder for you to identify in a grocery store. Now why would he do that? Monsanto ring a bell? Anyone who's actually been AWAKE (AND I MEAN AWAKE) for any length of time knows this is the exact opposite we wanted. GMOs are dangerous. We should go back to organic farming, not increase GMOs. Bill Gates also loves GMOs… So why sign an EO about it?
This post is getting lengthy, and it's only a fraction of what I want to discuss here (which I imagine will be shilled into oblivion and probably get tons of responses that say "trust the plan"). My final message is this: Stop analyzing Q riddles to create some sort of narrative in your mind that YOU want, and look at the big picture. Seeing as how we don't know what is disinformation, misinformation, or truth in Q's posts, and many dates have come and gone and seen no action, it is up to you to look at the BIG PICTURE of what is going on and figure this out for yourself. I, for one, am very discouraged and do not see patriots doing ANYTHING. The DS looks like it's winning to me. Prove me wrong. Please. For God & Country.