That word in that verse means "judges".
The point was,
when Christ said that,
was that they,
claiming to be judges,
were judging unrighteous judgment.
Rather than judging by God's Commandments,
they were judging according to their made up commandments and traditions which Moses did not write on the Mount,
and which no Prophet upheld.
In fact,
the Prophets all rebuked their forefathers' vanities who invented those false commandments and traditions;
and most paid for it with their lives for defending the Truth of God as written,
unspoiled by liars.
As to the Father living in persons,
that verse you quote is in the context of being in Christ who upheld Moses and the Prophets infallibly,
and condemned the unjust judges.
God is only in those who are in Christ.
He is not in anyone not in Christ.
God doesn't enter a defiled Temple.
That is why Christ cast out the money changers from His Father's House.