Anonymous ID: 822a63 April 28, 2018, 1:56 p.m. No.1225175   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Anonymous 04/27/18 (Fri) 20:47:43 611657 No.1216158>>1216204 >>1216258 >>1216276 >>1216296




appreciate the sentiment.


I need to get gone while i can still afford my life insurance so my family is provided for - so couple weeks tops."


Anon, you are having what is called Dark Night Of The Soul - very simply put, your spirit is crying out for change. The status quo is not working. Time to write a new program to over-ride the old flawed one.

bigly abridged from Gregg Braden - The Divine Matrix


May I also suggest Wayne Dyer - How To Be A No-Limit Person (YouTube it) and his movie The Shift


Life is just experiences and our reaction to them. Our thoughts affect our emotions which affect our actions - this is how we create our reality, our life. And life is really good and stress free when living from a proper perspective. I can only give you the keys. It is up to you to take them and put them in the ignition.
