>"embryonic stem cell research"….
Baby killing. Fuck this guy…
Except for masonic dirty pig cops.
So they're not using stone blocks as CPUs…Not bad. Funny how a google employee went there. Did they ride with Schmidt?
As a black guy, I love you too anon. No bromo. I love my anon lads.
I just got back from a seminar for a new job in alternative energy. Complete 180 career change after working in the bowels of Hollywood with pedo-satanists. Feels good to put my energy into helping people beat the system. Pray for your goy to get the training I need to get a decent job. Wouldn't have thought it were possible if Killary won. POTUS gives hope for real. You guys are the best.
>You are either a nigger or have a nigger brain, newfag.
SHILL SPOTTED. This faggot is made because black people are working up. We're no longer your democratic nignogs anymore. Go fuck yourself. Can't wait to see your master in cuffs for killing babies. Faggot bitch.
>EO ASSET SEIZURE Includes Foreign Nationals who have assets on US soil:
>- George Soros Open Society Foundation HQ in New York City - $19.4 Billion Endowment
>- Rothchild Family Trust in Reno, Nevada - Money Laundering Central for Global Cabal
THIS is music to my fucking ears, anon! Wow. They are broke as fuck!! HAHAHAHAHAHA gasps HAHAHAHAHA! Kek is good!
That's why the media was talking about the Roths getting into crypto lol Last ditch effort to launder more money and take from those hoping to make small investments. This is literally all I've ever wanted for Christmas. The Arrest will be icing for sure. Delicious icing.
Oh my word. I don't even know what to do with myself. I've been demanding this from Q for a while, I'm totally fine with egg on my face. These fuckers are so poor. Wew! Time to breath…
>"the shake"
I wish I knew it back then to use it but fuck all cops who protect and serve (((them))). Fuck them all.
>Wonder if Disney has had assets seized
Was thinking the same thing anon. Zombie normies with annual passes are funding pedo satanist without even knowing. Freeze their assets too. Kek.
>"We have the best Tungsten, don't we folks?"
Wew! Dennis Rodhman of Godham. POTUS give no fucks!
I was going to hold my tongue on this buuuuut there's a horse in the Kentucky Derby named Promises Fulfilled. Gematria is here to help!
SOLID WORK. Damn, saved.
The normies standing in line at Pedo-Land don't know that. Something's gotta give to wake them the hell up.
>First you take away most of their fake money and use it to wipe out debt. Then, you destroy the value of whatever fake money they have hidden by wiping the debt system away completely.
You, my dear anon, are WOKE. I've been thinking the same thing too. Hard asset backed currency rather than fiat debt based fag currency would eradicate the old financial system entirely. This is my favorite part of the movie we're all watching. I don't care too much about the political bit we had to watch begrudgingly but seeing (((them))) lose it all is the best part. They're even trying to save face even know. Chrissy Teigen had her account frozen and cards cancelled over seize and bitched about it on social media. Now it's all making sense. :)
>just like the money system, not gone just re-organized
A ton of FED fags just resigned this past week. Restructuring is only possible on a new financial system. Like blockchain technology. You feel me? ;) The US Treasury will engulf the FED and those working there will be moved to the UST and given a new set of instructions. dirty FED fuckers will be sent to GITMO.