I get paid nothing what does Q get paid?
You's dont pay the bills lady boy.
Because you are me son/daughter.
Q gets paid $300,000 a year and a life time petition.
We get paid nothing.
Q gets paid $300,000 a year and a life time petition.
We get paid nothing.
>Gavin Newsom responds "Uh Uh Uh Uh Uh Uh Uh Uh…….."
The beginning of the end.
Dang its 3:00 no sleep tonight.
Exactly but Q does it for the money.
q had no idea what she was talking about.
Pence has a big choice keep following Satan or Repent and follow Jesus.
Trump chose Pence because he is a deep state shill.
Without pay.
Barr is Satans bitch.
Catholics are awesome.
Catholics fail 100% of the time.
Pray the rosary bitch.
Because repeating prayers is satanism.
Thats the base pay of a person who works for the president.
Q had no idea what she was doing.
She just posted what her dad told her to post,
Dear Trump not sleeping is worse than drinking.
Thats just nuts.
My job is making fun of the idiots that become president.
>>12250046 They are all idiots.
You cant kill the people that own the land and say now own the land.
Thats retarded.
Hawaii deserved it.
Dear Trump Costco and Amazon thank you.
Trump failed because his ego killed him.
It is over.
He is the opposite of humble.
Q is a government worker who has idea who Jesus is.
Trump became a Christian two years into his administration.
Q has idea who Jesus is.
Trump never read the Bible.
He cant read.
//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'///Joe /// Biden has sex with his children and grand children
Joe Biden rapes all his children and grand children.
Q has no idea who Jesus is.
Neither does Q.
Q is Satan.
Every president of the USA are assholes.
God hates you.
VD is awesome.
Jesus thinks Trump is an asshole.
>>1225027 Everyone thinks Trump is an asshole.
Joe Biden is a rapist Donald Trump Married 3 woman.
Trump never read the Bible.
He doesn't even know what the Bible is.
Trump thinks sex with children is cool.
Q is retarded.