TY for being a baker that actually bakes and notes and all that bakey bakey stuff.
War is Hell. Why would you want to bring that misery on Earth. We can get them to change with the realization of one simple fact:
There are about 2M CCP members in a country of 1.3B people.
So, 0.15% control the other 99.85%
The Great Awakening isn't about Americans waking up to overthrow Communism, that is happening now… It's about the Chinese people waking up to overthrow Communism!
The sum of all fears for the CCP, and not kinetic munition needed. Just us and those like us.
Special Forces of Psychological Warfare.
Tiananmen Everywhere!
Ouch! Somebody put $5G in the sand for a picture. Cool picture though. I think it was Bethesda pushing Fallout something.
Love birds singing.