Banksters busy keeping gold under $1900 on last day of the year.
What if Roberts resigns over the weekend,
Trump appoints a replacement on Monday,
and Senate approves on January 6th
after Pence does whatever it is he is going to do?
What if that happens?
That would be wild
And you can say
"I was in Washington DC that day" to your kids.
You will finally have credibility.
Whatever bezos owns will be confiscated by the US Treasury or already has.
To be sold back into the market after the defeat of the cabal.
Release the files of the panicked conversations.
I had no plans to do anything but they are pushing so hard the "Stay Home this NYE because covid is out of control" on local news in California that I want to go out just to disobey.
Could it be Patriots Are Now In Control of California?
What if they vote 55 EV for Trump on Jan 6th?
Are cops breaking the law if they make you take a breathalyzer and you have to remove your mask?
It doesn't matter they are letting everyone out of prison anyways.