Its satanism, which wanted nothing more than to infiltrate God's people
You should be ashamed that you stopped learning
Its satanism, which wanted nothing more than to infiltrate God's people
You should be ashamed that you stopped learning
I'm sorry that you're a bit tarded. You do understand what infiltration and subversion are, right?
It's and odorless gas
Not hard to do, and causes no real harm
Does leave traces. You're thinking of the high from whipits
Why do you think dentists use it if it wasnt effective
And why could they not keep it flowing?
And there are a few different forms of it. analogues
Maybe it's not what they used. I just like thinking through everything I can.
Does seem well within possible tbh
I've thought wp was likely for a while, and NO is harmless and easy to use being a gas.
I'm good, thanks