Anonymous ID: 3f2103 April 28, 2018, 2:30 p.m. No.1225502   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5542

We had the number of Congressmen not seeking re-election as one of the bigger real world Q proofs. Now, the Cabal is trying to undermine that fact.


We know the truth, but it makes it that much harder to redpill normies. I'm assuming that Q knew this in advance and has plenty of countermoves lined up.

Anonymous ID: 3f2103 April 28, 2018, 2:32 p.m. No.1225515   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Future proves past. This was pre-Q, but I suspect it was the same team with a different name.


Operation High Incident and John were real. The false flag attack in Vegas had many goals. One of them was to have an excuse to further increase security, get rich, and enslave Americans.

Anonymous ID: 3f2103 April 28, 2018, 3:20 p.m. No.1225971   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This will seem like a small-time rinky dink story and by itself, it is; however, it's being repeated thousands and thousands of times in small towns and communities all over America. Collectively, it's a hidden HUGE story.


One of Soros' many evil plans is to erode America's values at the local level. He does the big issues like funding open borders groups and abortion groups. What goes under the radar is his manipulation of local communities.


In the town featured in this post, the Cabal has installed a shady school administrator. They pulled him in from across the country where he already had a shady history. I'm speculating here, but it looks like he's being blackmailed just like 70% of our Washington representatives.


Here's two examples of the Soros' trickle down effect through this local politician.


  1. He rammed through a program that gathered biometric data on children.


  1. "Operation Hydra". He used students to set up a coach whose family has a long tradition of good family values and competitive sportsmanship. He used two kids on the team to set him up and "accidentally" attached attacking information in a letter to a newspaper. It's basically a David Hogg play at the local level.


The goal of these Soros' funded operations is to undermine traditional American values at the local level. This is happening in small towns across every day and these kinds of stories never make national headlines because they're so small. Collectively, they're VERY important!


Greatly Awaken to your local political scene and you'll probably find the Cabal's handiwork.