Anonymous ID: 597f71 April 28, 2018, 2:36 p.m. No.1225538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5552 >>5563 >>5712

Anons, just wanted to throw this out there.


Few people know that Red Bull came from Thailand, where it's called "Krating Daeng":


Looking over the news, you see that the heirs have some controversy. I'm thinking that Q might have dropped us a clue as to coming news regarding them. Why would this be relevant? It wouldn't seem to be directly relevant to us...except when you step back and see the whole picture. Don't look at the names of the people that are arrested...look at the locations of where their alleged crimes are committed.


North Korea, South Korea, Japan--Trump has just brought peace to the region. This anon lives on the West Coast--just a year ago we were we had picked up some iodine tablets "just in case." Imagine how much better you would feel if you were in Japan, knowing that the nuclear threat is much diminished. Us oldfags know the relief we felt when the Cold War was ended. Even more so for the millions in Seoul. Then there's Southeast Asia. Who is our biggest ally there? Thailand. Could it be that we are strengthening our ties with that area? Perhaps all of Asia? Maybe, just maybe, that's really "what's going on in Asia?" (Q post #708).


So what's the relevance? It ties into this:

>>1205271, >>1206100

So far, those indicted by Mueller, the supposed "inside plants," have all demonstrated ties to European regions--Turkey, Ukraine, the CFR, Russia, Russia, Russia. That would involve U1, No-Name, Soros, AS, and many in the media. Combined with our work in the Middle East (SA and more), and you've got some Obama, more No-Name, and certainly Huma. But if you've been following, Obama's and No-Name's money has largely been coming from Asia (Q post #524).


Then there's Armenia. Like Turkey, it's a part of Central Asia. Look at this chain (just do a search for "U1", it pops up multiple times:

>U1 – CA – EU – ASIA – IRAN/NK


This work we are doing in Asia may be our part in the quid-pro-quo: we're building a coalition in Asia, Central Asia, the EU, Asia, et. al., so we can clear the way for them to help us get the indictments. Similar with the efforts to purge the FBI/DOJ of bad actors. It's all part of the plan.


Q post #1291, >>1218893:

>It’s what you don’t know and can’t see (ongoing) that will validate your efforts.

>Trust the plan.

>Step back.

>Remove arrests.

>What do you see?

>Stage being set?


Yes: the stage is being set.

Patience, anons--some of you think nothing is being done, but the world is being changed as we speak.