Anonymous ID: 7b03ce April 28, 2018, 3:04 p.m. No.1225819   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

The political left naturally melted down with everything from Kanye turning his back on blacks to having mental health issues to pulling a publicity stunt (the last of which would be totally believable except for what followed.) Kanye went on a pro-Trump tweet storm of epic proportions concluding with a signed, red MAGA hat. He and Trump had a relationship of some sort before the election.

White and black liberals, including singers such as John Legend, went to great lengths to attack, undermine and explain away his tweets. On Twitter, on every major leftist website, on Facebook, on Youtube, Kanye was pounded. So he caved? No. Kanye is not a conservative in any traditional sense, and is arguably a contributor to the decline of the culture. But he also is not one to run from controversy and is about as far from politically correct as possible. He just kept tweeting.

Then his wife, Kim Kardashian, jumped to support her husband on Twitter: โ€œHeโ€™s a free thinker, is that not allowed in America?โ€ Oh my!โ€ฆ..


โ€ฆ..)Does this really matter? Yes. In raw politics anyway. Maybe more. Of course, itโ€™s always possible it could just blow over in a few weeks, because this age is supremely difficult to predict. But the frantic reaction suggests at least some see the threat of a Trump-Kanye axis making it OK for blacks to not have to be Democrats.

The reality that is largely unstated is that Democrats need black votes far more than blacks need Democratic leadership. A pretty strong case can be made that Democratic leadership has been fairly awful for blacks, and that is beginning to become obvious.

So here are the numbers. In 2008, 95 percent of black Americans voted for Obama, while 93 percent did in 2012. Thatโ€™s above the modern average, but not by much. Blacks have generally been close to or at 90 percent voting for Democrat presidential candidates. The lowest it has been in modern times is 85 percent, way back in 1976.

