Anonymous ID: 8c4611 April 28, 2018, 3:08 p.m. No.1225860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5867 >>5879 >>5887 >>5908 >>5937 >>6188


A very ancient cabal of pedphilic, vampiric, cannibals and (((others))) have been running the world with an ultimate goal of total control and wiping out a certain race of people who have built the West. They have infiltrated all our governments and turned them to their own ends against the people of our nations. They have used the C_A and other agencies to be their enforcers and also criminal gangs like MS 13, and are behind human and child trafficking & sex slavery (they use children as a currency), drugs and a lot of other ills, using things like cultural Marxism to poison us and our nations.

Now comes a group of Patriots, coming from different countries, in and out of govt/military who have worked on a plan for quite a while to out these vermin from our governments, charities and other organizations to cleanse our world of this filth. They have enlisted a rag-tag group of autists to help make an end-run around the media (owned and used by the cabal) to get information to the People, to be the calm during and after the Storm.

The plan is complex, well thought-out and in effect. Child trafficking networks are being shut down and agencies are being cleansed. Only a certain percentage of what is occurring is visible as there is a lot going on behind the scenes.

Patriots are winning.

We are reclaiming our government, our nations and our world for the good of our children and great-great grandchildren AND YOURS.

Anonymous ID: 8c4611 April 28, 2018, 3:15 p.m. No.1225927   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Funny thing is that this cannot ever be called a "forgery" or some "anti-semitic" screed as it's in the historical record. Far more people need to know about this and then look backwards at history considering this.

Very enlightening, which is why most don't know about it. TY