Anonymous ID: 9ccfdb April 28, 2018, 2:43 p.m. No.1225592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5603 >>5754

The Deep State is political Jews. They are using niggers and non whites to take over the political system by massive proliferation in an attempt destroy America and Western Countries. They are doing this by exploiting immigration and welfare. This is happening massively right now.


The Federal Reserve Bank is Deep State, and is the battery of the Deep State. Without currency creation by political Jews, the Federal Reserve Bank, the Deep State cannot function. Destroy the Federal Reserve Bank.

Anonymous ID: 9ccfdb April 28, 2018, 2:43 p.m. No.1225595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5618 >>5754

White behavior is extremely superior to the behavior of niggers and non whites. Niggers and non whites are extremely disorderly and high crime. Behavior is based on IQ. Niggers and non whites, on average, have an IQ of 80-85. Bring niggers and non whites into your cities, destroy your cities. How stupid can you be?

Anonymous ID: 9ccfdb April 28, 2018, 2:53 p.m. No.1225706   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Jews are intelligent, very tribal, and are very criminal by genetic. The Jews will fail extremely. The Jews are propagandizing Whites to believe there is no difference between genders because they also want Whites to believe that there is no difference between races. The Jews are doing this so that Whites let niggers and non Whites into their cities and communities. The truth is that race is everything, be tribal or die out. Giving niggers and non whites political power results in White genocide as in South Africa.

Anonymous ID: 9ccfdb April 28, 2018, 2:56 p.m. No.1225737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5751 >>5766 >>5797 >>5859 >>5884 >>5898 >>5914

Giving niggers and non whites political power will result in a third world country. Niggers and non whites are a poison to Whites. Whites don't have children in environments where there are niggers and non whites. Whites should not be forced to exist with niggers and non whites. Niggers and non whites are too low IQ, on average 80-85, to even fight the Deep State, they will only fight Whites forever it is all they can understand.


No matter how much the Whites give to the niggers and non whites they will still only fight Whites forever. If the Whites become a minority the niggers and non whites will kill the Whites outright. Look at South Africa, the niggers got political power and completely destroyed South Africa fiscally and are genociding the Whites right out in the open.


Fight the niggers and non Whites, and above all the political Jews. Giving the niggers, non whites, or political Jews any power or anything at all is a supreme mistake. If any of these groups gets enough of a political foothold it is completely over for America. All of these groups have extreme in-group preferences and this will never change. Once they get into a place politically, they will keep Whites out of politics forever.


Further, the niggers and non whites are very easily propagandized against the Whites. If the niggers and non whites become the majority, all it would take is a Jew with a million dollars for a few false flags and say the Whites did it to get the niggers and non whites to attack every White they see.


Many people don't particularly hate the niggers and non whites but they DO hate them being in their communities. This is because different races DO NOT exist well together and never will !!! Nigger and non white behavior is WAY different and WAY inferior to White behavior and always will be !!! The level of niggers and non whites relative to Whites absolutely MUST be reduced !!!

Anonymous ID: 9ccfdb April 28, 2018, 2:57 p.m. No.1225750   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5797

The only way to save America from becoming a third world country over a span of the next 30 years is to end welfare completely and separate the Whites from the niggers and non whites. The only way for America to succeed is if Whites use in group preferences from here on out. Stop letting non whites into your places or to proliferate. The White race must stop ceding power to other races that have genetically low mental capacity.


Keep fighting hard against the political Jews. All the political Jews do is lie. The political Jews have nearly destroyed America and have already destroyed Europe. Their plan is to turn White countries into third world countries by reducing Whites and proliferating niggers and non whites. Low IQ people and poor people are very easy for the political Jews to totally control.