Anonymous ID: a82729 April 28, 2018, 3:25 p.m. No.1226031   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6135 >>6158 >>6195 >>6211 >>6248

India Hangs First Pedophile Under Strict New Laws: 'They're Demons' Indian Government introduces death penalty for child abusers


The change in legislation followed sweeping protests by millions of citizens who were demanding a harder line to be taken for child sex offenses. In response, lawmakers have passed a new bill issuing the strongest punishment possible for pedophilia, branding them "demons." India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi called an emergency meeting in response to the child abuse epidemic that is overwhelming his country and spreading globally. Mr. Modi announced the new zero-tolerance policy for pedophiles, with the nation already starting a wave of public hangings for convicted pedophiles.