Anonymous ID: aad791 April 28, 2018, 3:30 p.m. No.1226101   🗄️.is 🔗kun

=attn pls war room msg==





Let's keep pushing them bigly!

Still going strong, but we HAVE to push it until they release the whole shitload. It cant hurt to heavily suggest there might be ppl planning to 187 da prez in it. As long as we add ??? and say its a RUMOR (anonymous source….LOOOOLLLLLL)


2) Kanye West and other black stars stepping out of the Dem plantation must be rewarded with praise and great memes! please dont forget to meme the shit out of that. took fucking GUTS what kanye did. they locked him into an asylum, remember??


GEOTUS made peace between the Korea's. thats FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC. everyone doubting that, clearly has never seen (read) "On The Beach" . Can we meme some Side-by-sides of FakeNews headlines MUH NUKE WAR BECAUSE POTUS and litlle kimmy and moon smiling and being happy and put "TRUMP EFFECT" or something under it?

Or make our own nobel peace prize in memes and send it to GEOTUS?


anyway. thanks for reading.

THANK YOU TIREDANON for making this beautiful meme!

Anonymous ID: aad791 April 28, 2018, 3:41 p.m. No.1226211   🗄️.is 🔗kun


same handwriting on English signs. and a group with English signs roped of from the rest of the crowd. HMMM… cnn around?

And stop jumping for joy, in India, they rape young girls and the victims get murdered afterwards because of religious laws. sex outside of marriage - problem -> dead.

So, India has it's problems. Wasnt Hoessein there? and Killery? recently?