Anonymous ID: e104eb April 28, 2018, 2:48 p.m. No.1225646   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>1225440 (previous bread)

All good questions/observations, for which I don't have the answer to. Not trying to pick on her, to me most have very little talent (Brittany etc.). I just refuse to be the butt of their jokes. And by that I mean the music 'industry.' They know it's garbage, but it's a wired system. They pump and dump the 'music' in a studio, try to sell us the idea it's the artist's music, and then their buddies run the images non-stop in the tabloids and TMZ. They could literally make me an international sensation overnight if they wanted, and I have less than zero talent. Adelle (sic?), is one of the exceptions I know of. There are others. Most, who don't play the cabal game, don't get airtime on IBlowDickRadio or Clear Channel outlets, nor any 'awards.' Here's an example. The trio Yo La Tengo. Talented bunch, I've heard them live and have a few cd's. If a friend hadn't recommended them I would never have heard about them. Radio barely plays them, (not that I listen to radio mind you), but the Beebs gets repeated on the hour, every hour. I think even Justin is sick of the game too. He seems to be backing out a lot.

It's like everything we discuss here. It has become a corrupted, sick industry where per vision is rewarded and promoted and I want to see better. In fact, I demand better. The OP, with his rant, actually had a good point on this topic. Those in 'control' have debased the industry about as far as you can go. Someone posted a story about some rapper named 69 violating his sex offender terms. Some young emo singer killed himself a few months back. The kid didn't have one inch of his face left that wasn't covered with a 'tat.' Enough is enough.

Anonymous ID: e104eb April 28, 2018, 3:22 p.m. No.1225996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6005 >>6015

I am NOT announcing Trump in Five, the last anon did that and three hours have gone by with no appearance by the President as yet.


What I am giving a heads-up on is that Right Side Broadcasting just started their coverage up again after a long break. Perhaps we are in the final hour? The feed, embedded (I hope), for anyone interested in watching.