Austin Steinbart
Fake and gay
Mormon infiltration
Brigadier General Anthony Tata
When I read shit like that I try to imagine who would post such sad garbage
Steinbart is fake and gay
more- Mun(ey)
Mitt Romney is uncle
continues to try and infiltrate to discredit
Lin Wood is a passionate patriot
What he says is TRUTH
The machines are rigged
it is insanity to use them on 5th Jan
Politics is compromise
Lin is not a person who easily compromises
Applaud his passion
applaud his patriotism
Make your own decision
Do you honestly believe he will?
No-one truly knows. But inviting everyone to Washington on the 6th is not what you would do if you were as described by you in your previous shitpost. Does it?
Your premise is illogical. Trump would've just conceded at any point after election.