Anonymous ID: 0dc686 April 28, 2018, 4:30 p.m. No.1226709   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It's hard to imagine that RR is part of any sting going on regarding Mueller for the simple fact that RR worked under LL while the entire Obama/HRC/Dem witch hunt against Trump was going on before and after the election and before Trump took office and then afterwards.


RR looked the other way and signed off on all kinds of things against Trump while Obama served his remaining months.


If RR was indeed filthy/dirty (up until he was possibly confronted and told to co-operate or face charges) and given some type of immunity it seems like an unnecessary " get out of jail" card for someone who committed serious felonies at the highest levels.

If OIG Horowitz and many others have loads of evidence from years back then surely RR and LL are in it deep and they wouldn't need RR to help at all.

It would be complete B.S. for RR to walk or think he wasn't helping LL or Comey or Obama etc to take down Trump.

It seems inconceivable that Trump would be ok with a pivotal DOJ figure like RR walking away.


Therefore, it seems improbable to me that RR is own "our" side. Same with Mueller for different reasons.

I'm not ok with anyone getting a free pass or reduced plea if they committed serious felonies because if HRC did win then those who tried to sabotage our system and country should get no mercy.


If military intelligence or OIG Horowitz and others have loads of documents, recordings and other evidence on the scale Q hints at then RR being on "the team" seem remote and any leniency completely unnecessary.


These people need to pay. RR being a good guy seems like B.S. when all or most of his handiwork with LL seems to have taken place in a direct plot and effort against the president elect.


That's called treason.