Anonymous ID: 52f1fc April 28, 2018, 3:53 p.m. No.1226321   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6330 >>6353 >>6371






>muh 'anti-semitismz'

>muh (((feelz)))

>muh hate shillz

>muh (((glowing))), spamming kike jew ass

>muh copy pasta 30-50+ posts of nothing each bread

>muh vpn posting retard level SES/AIM/jew shit to throw off heat from REAL evils of (((israel)))


These (((shill fuckers))) are making it really easy to spot em. We can see em without even trying now LOL. Anons, DIG.



Mystery Group Of "Wealthy Donors" And Soros Spends $50 Million For "Private Trump-Russia Investigation"




"The House Intelligence Committee's just-released report on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election reveals in a footnote that an ongoing, private investigation into Trump-Russia claims is being funded with $50 million supplied by George Soros and a group of 7-10 wealthy donors from California and New York.


This effort was originally revealed in February and reported on by The Federalist, after a series of leaked text messages between Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) and lobbyist Adam Waldman suggested that Daniel J. Jones - an ex-FBI investigator and former Feinstein staffer, was "intimately involved with ongoing efforts to retroactively validate a series of salacious and unverified memos published by Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence agent, and Fusion GPS."


In short, Jones is working with Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele to continue their investigation into Donald Trump, using a $50 million war chest just revealed by the House Intel Committee report."


(((mystery wealthy donors)))


A Former Russian Oligarch And Putin Nemesis Seeks To Revive "Russia Collusion" Hysteria






The emails reveal that Veselnitskaya worked closely with the Russian Ministry of Justice to help thwart a US Department of Justice probe into allegedly ill-gotten money being invested by corrupt Russian oligarchs in New York City real estate. And according to the New York Times, which was obtained the emails from Dossier, the communications undercut Veselnitskaya's claims of impartiality.


That said, the communications revealed in the emails took place years before Veselnitskaya set foot in Trump Tower. What's more alarming than the emails claims is the notion that Russian opposition figures are stepping up to independently assist Mueller and the Democrats in keeping the "Russia collusion" narrative alive is certainlyโ€ฆinteresting."


(((russian oligarchs)))

(((russian hysteria)))


HOW CAN ONE FUCKING KIKE (((SHILLING))) RACE try to cause THIS much damage to both US and RUSSIA?