Anonymous ID: 571a9c April 28, 2018, 4:15 p.m. No.1226552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6560 >>6566 >>6773

(1) Clenched fist document from JFK file dump last fall


(2) Q's password to first tripcode was MATLOCK, he then asked us about AMB Matlock. Who is Ambassador Matlock? Jack Foust Matlock, Jr.


(3) His middle name is Foust, which means fist, check out the coat of arms and compare it to Oswald, same sign


(4) Look at these two documents which show that Matlock was edited out of the House Select Committee on Assassinations Report.


CIA more lock CYA

Anonymous ID: 571a9c April 28, 2018, 4:25 p.m. No.1226658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6689


"After a tour in Vienna, Austria and Russian language training at the U.S. Army Russian Institute in Oberammergau, Matlock arrived in Moscow for the first time in 1961. Initially a Vice Consul, Matlock met with individuals seeking to visit or emigrate to the United States. His most famous case was Lee Harvey Oswald, who applied for a repatriation loan to return to the United States after having previously moved to the Soviet Union.[14] Indeed, according to the records received by the Warren Commission, in May 1962, Jack Matlock conducted the exit interview which enabled the Oswald family to leave the USSR and return to the USA."