Nashville bomber
Air fuel bomb is very hard to set off….
EU sold out to China…..sooooo
Wow…..our civil servants are more commie….than the commies
Fuck this lockdown BS……government can suck it
Make medicine the most important thing in peoples lives?? What a bunch of embarrassing assholes
Maybe they found Gina
And what’s the weight capacity of a RV? 1300lbs…..probably have to be methanol
It’s funny…..a couple of Big Brother computers have taken on persona of Henry Cavill and his gay lover
What a programming glitch….but they they say the creation reflects the inventor
Pence……first arrest
Well, these can’t be the toothless, redneck white supremest they faggots always making fun of
Sounds like a highly educated team of computer geeks
If your erection lasts more than 4 hours…..
Don’t remember much digging on Pence…