That is some ultra super faggot tier bread title.
And that's a super faggot tier response.
And what's this this triggered crap?
Are you a liberal?
Has it ever occurred to you that most anons are not super faggots?
So, you believe that Trump has authorised the use of gene editing on the US population?
If you believe that, why are you here?
Why do you think Trump not only endorsed Pelosi, but actively pushed for her to be speaker?
> got any MEANINGFUL proof?
Might want to try reading some of his EOs.
As an FYI, I am not an AmericAnon and was not a Trump supporter prior to Q.
I actually did not believe he would be elected as I felt that the DS would never allow him to be elected and was truly surprised when he was.
I stumbled across Q in Feb 2018 and spent the next 3 months analysing the Q crumbs and Anon digs. After 3 months I had concluded that Q was most definitely highly connected to Trump, but I was still not convinced that Trump genuinely doing what Q had claimed. However, the subsequent 32 months have resolved any doubts I may have had.
You can insert your jury is out on DJT opinion into your rather expansive rectal passage.
>until the MSM is shut down permanently, and traitors swing from gallows for ALL to see, i will reserve my judgment.
I don't think the MSM will be shut down any time soon, but I have no doubt that the evil entities who've been controlling it from the outset will be shut down. What we have already been witnessing is the massive move away from the MSM to other forms of media and I see this growing exponentially until the MSM recedes into irrelevency.
As Q pointed out, not everything can be exposed and not all who've been corrupted will go down as the that would lead to complete societal break down and untold suffering for the masses, however I firmly believe that the major players and the systems that they controlled will definitely be brought down.
I'm glad to see that we found some common ground and as you have clarified your position, and no longer appear to be despairfagging shill, I am more than happy to let you do you as well.
Some of my Old Skool White Widow dry sift.