WTF is baby Q shit?
Austin Steinbart is actively attempting to discredit the movement.
SO NOW STEINBART posts from a site with a story titled
""How QAnon Began — And Became A Domestic Terror Threat""
He was released
That's why he's here trying to slide, divide and perform all the LDS Mormon death cult shit to disrupt the community.
As long as the banner says
Q Research General #15659: Cozy Q Baby I Love You Edition
BAKER IS COMPROMISED and Steinbart is fake and gay
Ask him, he's the fag posting BS audio clips with fake yokel accent.
Wheels 1, 3 and 4 are still in motion, only wheel 2 has stopped with Biden in pay position.
Wheel 1 and 3 are likely next to stop based on equal motion blur. Wheel 4 will be last.
If we just use the visible symbols and assume they appear in the order we are shown, here are possible results;
If wheel 1 and 3 stop in 1 cycle and wheel 4 stops in 2 cycles, the result is;
Mask, Biden, Wind Generator, Virus
If wheel 1 and 3 stop in 1 cycle and wheel 4 stops in 3 cycles
Mask Biden, Wind gen, vaccine
Because BIDEN is stopped in Win position we don't get nuke…interesting?
Any idea about image on second column bottom row? There is a question mark, unknown, Chinese flag, corona virus
STEINBART quotes more fake news smears against Lin Wood.
Q Research General #15659: Cozy Q Baby I Love You Edition
Now smearing and discrediting Lin Wood.
Earlier posts link to shit website with anti Flynn, anti Q, anti Trump content.
Wow TikTok features on Rothschild's Economist cover it is 100% FUBAR app. No wonder Trump forced it to be divested in US
Is here posting links to shit site with anti Flynn, anti Q, anti Guiliani, anti Trump content.
go look at their content
SteinLarp has never posted anything of value. He spends most of his time trying to bignote his fake credentials. Now he posts audio here in a fake yokel accent…why? Why not just be himself?
Fake and gay Mormon infiltration to discredit movement
Based on playing actual machines the result is horizontal…otherwize what is the point?
Biden column or wheel has no motion blur…therefore it has stopped. Based on assumption we are seeing all possible results here. Biden in win position means the nuke result is not possible.
Newsweek tries to gin up race warz v2.0
Uncle Mitt Romney tosses him a few bucks to try de-rail movement
SteinLarp putting on his fake yokel accent proves he sees ordinary Americans as dirt. He is another self privileging wannabe Mormon death cult elite.