Anonymous ID: ea578a Jan. 1, 2021, 4:48 a.m. No.12265579   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"All other conspiracies are miniature moves toward this ultimate goal."


There is only really one “conspiracy”, the agenda by the ruling elites to establish a one world government. All other conspiracies are miniature moves toward this ultimate goal, and can ultimately be traced back to the creation of a New World Order. Here’s a dump of some fantastic old school videos.

In my opinion, there are a few important “foundational conspiracies” that the elite syndicate relies on to achieve this goal.


A few of the foundational conspiracies are:


The global banking cartel/syndicate and the use of usury

False flag attacks and social hysteria (creation of “terrorism” to justify a police state.)


Control of nearly all media publications and networks

Division. Racial, religious, and Left/Right divide and false dichotomy

Roundtable groups and powerful think tanks/societies like Bilderberg, CFR, Trilateral Commission, Jason Society that provide the elite syndicate with a network.


In essence, the real conspiracy is that we live in a very sophisticated and advanced form of indentured servitude, where we are merely “tax cattle”, and the entire purpose of our lives is to serve the ruling class. They desire complete and total control over the globe. 1 currency, 1 religion, 1 ruling group, and all of this to be slowly and incrementally forced on us in the coming decades.