Anonymous ID: 6c8dc6 Jan. 1, 2021, 6:50 a.m. No.12266377   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6439 >>6505

below is based on anon's always changing perspectives on the origins of things.



Nov 11, 2017 11:29:35 PM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: gO/UntOB No. 149063235


What is a TEMPLE?


Anon Answer:


syllables: TEMP - LE



Greek: Division or Section

Latin: Time



(oddly enough, wikitionary omits the Latin entry for temp)



Latin: vocative masculine singular of -lus; added to form a diminutive of the noun.

example- liber (book) + -lus libellus (booklet)




Based on latin meaning of syllables, a temple is the "Units of Time".


What occurs in a TEMPLE?


Anon answer:

Based on the meaning of TEMPLE above, it is the place where the "Units of Time" are measured.

More specifically, where light was controlled and contained.

Think astronomy, design goals of a telescope.

What do a cave, temple, church, telescope have in common?

The answer is within 'Structural Design and Purpose'.

Compare Ancient with Modern.



It could be assumed that there was a community that supported and relied on the measurements that were taken.

As the need for measuring Time declined, it would not need a stretch of the imagination to see how the astronomer became a priest to the community.


The exchange of support and supplies for information on when to plant, harvest etc.. changed into a one sided affair.


Of course it is likely any ruler at the time would like to know when the minds of the people are the most amiable to taxation among other things.


Why is the TEMPLE on top of a mountain?

Precise observations require a uniform temperature, vibration free environment, no light contamination and with no obstructions to the light being observed.

A requirement for backyard astronomers as well.

A stable platform raised high above the surrounding community would meet the requirements.

The higher the platform, the better view of the surrounding horizon. Perfect for precise measurements.


Regarding Q posts 1000, 3399, 3400, 3401 being questions of what is underneath the temple…

Anon believes that in the past they could have been used to store and maintain records of measurements.

As the data accumulated it's value also increased.

Increased value would be a good motivator to consider protection.

Security through obscurity?


Side note: If there is any doubt to the power of words, see below…


Divide a 365 degree circle by 26, the number of letters in the english alphabet.


Letter: Degree (Day)


A: 14.03846154

B: 28.07692308

C: 42.11538462

D: 56.15384615

E: 70.19230769

F: 84.23076923

G: 98.26923077

H: 112.3076923

I: 126.3461538

J: 140.3846154

K: 154.4230769

L: 168.4615385

M: 182.5

N: 196.5384615

O: 210.5769231

P: 224.6153846

Q: 238.6538462

R: 252.6923077

S: 266.7307692

T: 280.7692308

U: 294.8076923

V: 308.8461538

W: 322.8846154

X: 336.9230769

Y: 350.9615385

Z: 365


The neat bit:


G: 98.26923077

O: 210.5769231

D: 56.15384615


G + O + D = 365.00000002 (the year)

(similar for arabic and hebrew alphabets)