drackaine mcconnell will be the first gop non mormon to hang
ps NY aint' gonna have enuf of huomo cuomo while idiots like greg gutlessfeld THE FIVE are still around collecting thar ci ping ccp paycheck
drackaine mcconnell will be the first gop non mormon to hang
ps NY aint' gonna have enuf of huomo cuomo while idiots like greg gutlessfeld THE FIVE are still around collecting thar ci ping ccp paycheck
muhGermany will take all you dumas NIGGERS โ and take p00 p00 and schmuck with the other unholy satan worshipers with yiou
>>12264870 lb
drackaine mcconnell will be the first gop non mormon to hang
same - didn't even pot
and these gov's just make up legislation like they own tharkingdom -KHUCKING KHOMMIE WUHAN NIGGERS!
whar's the law that ses u can do shit like that โ $10K FOR VIOLATION
these niggers must be hung in the public square -tinking they own everyone like pedoJoe
go make everys single IUD a sammich
then go stuff stacy abrams backside with yo face YAMMICH
and then get ready to stand in the pbs unemployment line - ses her name! HER NAME IS p00 p00
and khommie ears brett braeir fox news the kuks of kuks - ses , keeps sessing it - no evidence of fraud enuf to overturn the election
his arsehole must be beyond ripped up