Economist mag middle vertical column only one in play
The best book on Federal ( Feral ) Reserve
Creature From Jekyll Island
The Name Of The Game is BAILOUT
thing is , quantity has a quality all its own.
ask any vet that has been overrun by enemy
see how the fed fits perfectly into silent weapons for quiet wars thesis ?
you sir are a scholar as this is the stuff of the guardians of the secrets of the ages
imagine the power of telling your flock when the sun would go dark ? Bring offerings to me or else !
How did Indiana Jones locate The Arc in the map room ? By the Sun angle of light.
Raiders movies were full of symbolism
ever notice , no money for a border wall , no funds for the people out of work but theres BILLIONS for foreign aid - U.S.-A.I.D. to all other developing nations ( Bribes to advance NWO agenda )
Globalist Agenda . org
soylent green is good for climate change
georgia guide stones # 1 command
leave the georgia guide stones to stand as evidence of NWO plans
it wakes up normies faster than anything anon has seen
that middle Biden column is keystone
Chyna breaks america, biden gets installed or nukes are NWO next step.
Behold A Pale Horse , pp 177 , last paragraph
pentagon and state dept will do as toilets