Proofs of Conspiracy to show anyone
in their own words
Proofs of Conspiracy to show anyone
in their own words
LB - suicides in Colorado among students
anon asks is there a cluster all seeing same docs?
same prescription meds?
Like a Kingsmen " movie "
my social worker is shark man of the delta
anon opinion :
what if because no courts will hear vote fraud evidence , the Congress House and Senate hold trilal / court on the issue ?
Know your history anons
2-500 thousand boomer hippies surrounded the pentagon demanding an end to Viet Nam
cabal was rattled by this but in the end the message was sent
[ if you continue this shit you do so under seige of your own people ]
no accident music went from ball out rock & roll / metal to whiney emo shit
UN land donated by Rockefellers
UN land is the old blood soaked slaughterhouse district of NY ( spirit-cooked ? )