Let's try to keep this bread about planning out for the 6th, we have 5 days left. We must plan and discuss all outcomesโฆ
We should plan on dealing with Antifa and BLM. There is also a possibility of foreign help coming to their aid.
We have to plan on defending each other on the 6th. 5 days anon. There was an announcement that there will be no public rest rooms.
What supplies do you plan to bring?
I suggest having cards with cell numbers to hand out in order to communicate where resistance will arise. Remember they are organized, that what this chaos is all about because we haven't quashed it.
That is a last resort, what are the other lines of defense?
What will you do if someone needs medical help, and antifa is blocking traffic?
We must defend those that aren't as prepared too.
They use that stuff too, so let's think defense here first.
We should have our own evac vehicles ready and prepared. And when they move they must be guarded.
Chaos arises and fights are lost when the unexpected happens.
We need to think about these scenarios.
Trump is declared winner
Plan A
Trump is denied
Plan B
Resistance shows up
Plan C
Foreign fighter join resistance
Plan D
all outcomes
We are the law, and we are going there to lay it down. But we need to plan first.
Think like an army. 1.5 million people lays down the law.
1.5 million people randomly shooting each other gets carpet bombed.
Because of chatter with useless back and forths, we are at the verge of loosing our country.
Time to focus, patriots!
How about on that day we demand our funds that they are going to give to foreigners.
Should we hold congress to the fire and make sure they sign what we need them to sign?
There are patriots of all colors and races, will you know one we you see them. Maybe we should have a simple identification, like a small piece of grey duck tape with a Q or something
So we can signal with poles so others can see.
Bouncers send visual signals due to loud music.
Seems not many are interested in winning and having their demands met, because we haven''t even stated them.
The deep state is highly organized, matter a fact you fund them according to Q.
Yet 118 Uids and we can't get organized.
This is why everything is in the state it is in.
Someone should put up that newfag girl meme.
I don't have to focus because I am a new fag.
That will be us on the 6th. Wild ride.
I guess no one realize the time for memes, insults, puzzles and sensationalism is over.
Q if you are listening, you must chime in, the Republic is at stake in 5 days.
5 daysโฆ
That is exactly who could show up, and these people are just going to DC with their goofy minds.
I fought an ISIS fighter from the middle east, very well trained, not like the antifa kids here.
Well that would require actions. Other than that they will get a police escort out and screw you.
There is also a remote chance that you could be led to the slaughter, did anyone take that scenario into account?
Just like on 911, no one knew what to do, so will it be on the 6th.
Fire fighters were there before heavy machinery and heavy machinery was not being utilized for the first 7 hours.
200 police officers stood in silence for 8 hours before I got them to help me clean up a pathway to the One Liberty plaza.
I wonder if anyone believes that their little chatter is actually accomplishing much now.
D Day is the 6th.
We should petition General Flynn on this board and to start organizing.
Maybe you people will listen to him.
Finally, a wakey wakey.
Most won't fight when they have to go to the bathroom. What if they cut cell towers?
How about take it upon yourself to dig and find out what rest rooms are available nearby and plot them for us.
Or let's plan on taking over one of the gov buildings, they are on city sewage.
Just knowing there will be no rest rooms, many of you won't even go.
Psychological warfare. They already won.
Washington this time is the enemy.
Better to have a plan right?
Plan for worst case not best case.
Remember this is about removing the swamp plan on the swamp to do swampy things.
Most people can't fight multiple people at once.
BLM and Antifa practiced diverting attention and sucker punching, then they stomp you.
They will resist because their lives depend on it.
Most people have the mindset, oh were there to make sure Pouts gets reelected.
Others are going there with if he wins we go to jail for the rest of our lives.
One side will fight for their life and are coming prepared. The other are going to watch a movie.