>>12266821 (lb)
Newfags should be informed of the process that yields these retarded, post-numberfagging graphics:
1) Get the time on any tweet.
2) Search qanon.pub for any numbers contained in that time stamp.
3) Find any word or word fragment and run with it.
If you look at enough of them, you can see they never make any predictions or fulfill anything other confirmation bias. Simple math tells you that out of 4953 posts, you can always find a connection to ANY tweet by ANYBODY to a q post.
It's an obvious shill tactic, and Q has NEVER instructed us to interpret posts in this manner. He explained deltas and how that related to POTUS tweets and the board and encouraged us to dig. Focusing on graphics like the one mentioned distracts people from logical thinking and digging and tries to promote Q as a cryptic soothsayer instead of a dropper of intel.