Anonymous ID: 38360d Jan. 1, 2021, 9:25 a.m. No.12268095   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8162

A few shots in the dark on what the hells of Muh Narrative Gradients.


Words can feed the…

…spirit (mind) with knowledge

…soul (feeling / emotion) with stability


Both determine the value of words.



The amount of knowledge and stability provided by the presented words.


How long until you become hungry again?

This is determined by…

…how complete the knowledge is

…how complete the stability is


How to determine completeness and thoroughness?

Is doubt or uncertainty present? It's depth and breadth?

Is specific critical information missing or vague?


Hunger returns more quickly with lower amounts of knowledge and stability.

Usually to the same source one has conditioned themself to.


The hunger for knowing and feeling stable is the gradient of a narrative.


By keeping the population hungry, the narrative can be gradually changed via oscillating the minds back and forth between pro and con lesser narratives. In this way a majority can be brought to the same general 'belief' regarding the subject matter. This method is similar to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)… swapping the polarity back and forth until the majority of the atomic nuclei are all aligned the same direction.


In contrast, a satiated population requires less narrative reinforcement. Alignment is already present.


A narrative can be presented as a single phrase or can increase to multiple paragraphs.


The number of words is not related to the completeness of knowledge or stability.


Large numbers of words are often used to create disinterest via mental fatigue.


As if that is not enough:


Low value narratives are short with little knowledge or stability. Just enough to focus the minds temporarily.


High value narratives are long multi part expositions given over longer periods of time.


Competing narratives can come from a single source or from multiple opposing sources.


You could almost predict the direction of outcome by which source is providing the most complete information and stability, and which source is providing the least.


Then I guess it comes down to what statements are associated with which source?