Anonymous ID: d11762 Jan. 1, 2021, 10:44 a.m. No.12269155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9179 >>9182

>>12268487 pb

'Q' is telling everyone, everything they need to know but 'patriots' are not paying enough attention.

Obvious facts overlooked. Q is written in English. Q uses 'math' and time.

Anons have not considered that their 'QClcoks' must be converted to decimal time because the computer that is producing geopolitical forecasting and strategy recommendations is running metric time.

Anon 'Qclocks' are not 'syncing' with IRL news because of this fact.

Anons are not considering that 'The plan' is a specialized planning tool known as a Gantt Chart.

The obvious is overlooked.

Clandestine 'Intel' operations have become obsolete because COINTEL techniques of deception have become too sophisticated. Obfuscation is too easy, so the emphasis on gathering 'intel' has transitioned to MSM 'journalism' and the MSM now knows this.

The frequency of news stories has increased to the level where human cognition is being challenged and the public is becoming overwhelmed and experiencing media fatigue. The only way to overcome this effect is to enlist members of the public to decipher the MSM data stream and sort through the deliberate misinformation. Digital warfare.


This is because geopolitical forecasting is using MSM to gather intel and COINTEL is using MSM to distribute disinformation/misinformation AT HIGH FREQUENCY to 'trick' enemy super-computers into forming advice and strategy that the enemy can exploit through superior geopolitical strategy....AKA GAME THEORY.


Two main super-computers are dispensing geopolitical 'advice' China and the USA.

China Sunway Taihulight and The NSA 'Black Widow' supercomputer at Ft. Meade.

Citizens are in the middle of an 'information warfare' and the 'hivemind' can and does compete with SENTIENT AI.

Both computers may be Quantum AI and SENTIENT.


Trump EO Dec 4, 2020

Ivanka Twitter Dec 4, 2020

Elon Musk Twitter Dec 3, 2020 - PROMETHEUS UNBOUND


One computer will have 100% control of all systems connect to the internet without 30 of being un-sandboxed.


Admiral Rodger's visit to Trump Tower was likely to inform DJT that Sentient AI had detected that TT was 'wiretapped'.


NSA did not divulge to Obama that 'his' Black Widow was SENTIENT.


Snowden was inserted to injure the mission of the Black Widow telephonic communications collection known as VoicePrint technology. Snowden inserted an algorithm that allowed Deep state operatives to encrypt their phone calls and bypass VP technology. Q Post 959


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b086d2 No.739690

Mar 20 2018 23:52:37 (EST)



Big meeting.

Cell phones left at door.


5 political

1 former intel dir

Mask & Spin

IDEN friendly ‘insiders’

MSM support +talking points

Shift narrative


We hear you.

We have the algorithm.

Thank you @ Snowden.

Learn chess.

Down she goes.

Nobody escapes this.




Snowden escapes to Russia Via China

Established Shadow Brokers selling NSA hacking tools

A recent SolarWinds breach was done using NSA hacking tools, via RUSSIA framing Russia for the China hack. Now Trump and Russia have reason to extradite ES.


Other resources;


Public Opinion

Focus Groups

Overton Window

Human Terrain Systems - Cyber Environment

DoD Third Offset

Integrative Models of Human Behavior

Full Spectrum Human Intelligence

Conflict Forecast

Exploiting Social Data Dominating Human Terrain

The Killing Room