presented to whom?
on the 6th of what month?
does he mean 6th as a date? A State?
My head is spinning.
Nothing is making sense so that means something isn't true.
Someone correct me if I am wrong but the 6th is about mostly procedural business to open the 117th. There will be swearing in ceremonies and all kinds of habbenings.
Showing evidence to someone is not something that will happen as we know normal procedures to occur.
His previous tweet said Locational instead of location. Adjective instead of noun .
Not to be a Grammar Nazi but it is wrong usage in that tweet.
We are overlooking something. A BIG something because this isn't making sense!
Puzzle pieces are missing.
Sunday rules for both chambers for the 117th get voted on. Something to be watchful for. They must agree on all and House has proposed some changes that are offensive.